About Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy, or endodontics, is the process of removing the nerves from the roots of a tooth. A root canal is often necessary to save a tooth that has become infected, broken, or painful. If such a tooth is left alone for a long period, an abscess can form. An abscess will show up on an X-ray as a dark spot at the tip of the root. This is bone loss in the jaw. It is very important to catch this problem before it deteriorates too far. This infection can become very serious, even life threatening. An abscess may cause swelling in the mouth or face spreading the infection. A scheduled or emergency root canal can be performed by board-certified dentist Dr. Phillip Yancho at his office in Traverse City, MI. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please call Yancho Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Traverse City immediately and let our team know what you are experiencing.
- Moderate to severe lingering tooth pain when drinking hot or cold liquids or foods
- Moderate to severe pain when biting on a tooth
- Sensitivity to tapping or pressure on the tooth
- Toothache that wakes you up in the middle of the night
- A pimple on your gum that may release pus or blood
- Radiating pain from one area of the mouth to another
What to Expect
Before the root canal begins, the dentist will numb the patient’s teeth and gums with a local anesthetic, as well as nitrous oxide gas for further patient comfort and relaxation if needed. Once the patient is prepared, the dentist will carefully remove the pulp from the decayed tooth, both the visible portion of the tooth and the root below the gum line. After the tooth is removed, the dentist will place a crown or filling material to strengthen and protect the treated tooth.
Treatment Aftercare
After the root canal treatment, the patient’s lips and gums will remain numb for a few hours, but the patients will be able to drive and leave to recover at home. If the patient is feeling any pain after the procedure, they can take an over-the-counter painkiller, following the instructions on the label. If the dentist placed a temporary crown over the tooth, the patient will return after the permanent crown is created and sent back to the office. The dentist will then place the crown and check the fit. The patient should return for annual dental exams and professional cleanings twice a year, or as recommended by the dentist.

Stop Dental Infections
If you have a toothache or infection, make an appointment to have the dentist look at your tooth and talk about treatments, including a root canal. A root canal can prevent more serious dental problems and relieve your pain.