231-941-2201 Schedule Now
3699 S Airport Road West, Traverse City, MI 49684

Missing Teeth restored in Traverse City, MI

Procedure Details


Smile Makeover

This patient wanted to be able to smile again.  She was self-conscious about her smile and was concerned about the missing teeth on the lower.  She had decay and was in pain.  There was an existing bridge that was done when she was younger and it was not appealing and no longer fit.  We discussed options and she wanted a non-removable solution.  We went over all of the different ways to restore her mouth to health and she chose the best option of implants and a new bridge on the upper.  Prior to having the work done here, she had to have root canal therapy on several teeth and periodontal therapy to even up the gums for a symmetrical smile.  This case was started in September of 2004 for the initial exam.  The actual work was started in January 2005 and completed in May of 2005.  A mock up of the case was done by D.H. Baker Dental laboratory and she wore temporaries that looked very much like the final result.  The patient was very please with the outcome. The change in the way she smiled was incredible and she could not stop smiling!


Yancho Dentistry

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.